Contact Me!

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Hey dreamers! If you are businessman/businesswoman looking for someone to advertise or review your product, this blog is very much open to serve you!

Here's what you need to know:

  • Lucid Dreamer is Philippine-based, so if you are to send products you should definitely know how much that would cost you.
  • I am 20 years old, so I will only review products/services appropriate for my age. :)
  • If you found this and you are an author head to my other blog, Bittersweet Reads because I also review books!
  • I already have an experience in reviewing, so don't worry!
  • I am in love with fandom products, Kdrama or Kpop. I got you!
  • I am currently addicted to Korean skincare, so you're on my priority list if you sell those.

Email me at

Introduce yourself, the product you are offering, where you are from, and how you will send it.
I have this contact form widget on the side of my site but still uncertain about it. So maybe you can send both on my email and that contact form! 



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