Wash Day Problems and Beginner Feels

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Hey dreamers! I haven't posted in a while. And I missed doing it so I am gonna be doing a back to back post for today.

So yesterday, I went to two different places. First, I went to Penshoppe alone and bought a few tees to use for WASH DAY. Which is common among us, college freshmen! And then I went to a bowling place with my bestie. I don't know what the place was called but it was super fun spending time with one of my besties, Iah and her family. ^o^


When I was in high school my idea of WASH DAY was super cool. Because you get to wear whichever piece of clothing you wanted to wear. And, express yourself! But as I was already a few weeks in to college, two weeks to be exact, I am not loving it at all! Haha. I love the dressing up part, but choosing what to wear is definitely the hardest. Of course you cannot just wear anything. You have to look presentable enough to attend your classes. Sooo, I decided to go to the mall to pick up a few things. HAHA. I bought some shirts from Penshoppe which are so adorable. They have an on going sale so be sure to check your local Penshoppe outlets! (I will be posting the pictures in a separate haul post!)

I also bought me a bag from Grab! which is also super cute. It is in a beige-y cream color which is perfect for any outfit. The style is super casual yet very durable. (PICTURES TO FOLLOW!)


After doing a little bit of shopping, I went to Robinsons Imus with my bestie Iah. She was there with her whole family so I was a bit quiet the whole time. We went to this bowling arena and played four games. I was not really planning on playing but Iah forced me to. So I did. It was a fun experience actually. At first I was hesitant because the ball is too heavy and I am not really in a fit shape. I was actually scared that I will throw myself along with the ball. HAHA. Luckily it did not happen.

(Yup that's me, BE PROUD! HAHA xx)

The best part is when I was able to do two strikes and a spare! HAHA. Although as I am writing this, my arms are hurting like crazy because I had to exert force.

All in all it was actually a very good experience. We ate dinner before going home. I actually got home at around 9 in the evening already which was super late. Glad my parents did not scold me. I'll probably ban myself from going out again, HAHA.


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