Mini Heart Attack // Had A Weird Day

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Hello there dreamers! Valentine's Day is over, finally. JUST KIDDING! HAHA. I hope that you are doing well. Today I am going to be talking about the scenarios in my life where I felt like I had a mini heart attack. Which by the way, just happened before I started typing this post. HAHA. I think everything that I am going to mention in this post all happened today, weird.

This first one is like the most frequent scenario that happens whenever I'm in school, on a bus, in a mall. WHEREVER. And it is not finding my phone in my pocket! Don't you panic and almost feel like you're going to faint when you cannot find your phone anywhere near you? I definitely do. Just awhile ago, I was on my way home and riding a bus. I was just scrolling on my phone for a minute and then after I paid my fare, IT IS GONE. I panicked, swear. I checked my pocket, my bag, my jacket. I even checked under the seat where I was sitting. But, it isn't there. I found it on my bag after checking for like the 10th time. And the guy beside me is already looking at the mess I've made. HAHA.

Second, is forgetting something that I have to bring for school. A while ago was our Religion subject, and I forgot to bring my Bible. Again. And I remembered it when I was only a few meters away from school. I also panicked right there and then because it was a requirement to have one in class. And I don't have it! Good thing we can borrow one from the library (which I just discovered a while ago). 

Lastly, was what happened just before I typed this post. So, I messaged someone a few minutes ago that I never contacted first. LIKE EVER. I wasn't expecting him to reply because we aren't close. And I did it out of concern for a very close friend. So, as I was just typing my infamous "Hello there dreamers!", HE. REPLIED. Had a mini heart attack too because as soon as it notified on my iPad, I didn't know what to reply next. I am never good at conversing with others so, yaaasss. Kudos to me? HAHA.

So that is it! What I've written on this post is basically what happened in my entire Monday. It was pretty weird that all this happened today so I decided to share this with you. Let me know in the comment section down below your own experiences! I will be reading them. All the love, Risse xx.

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