New Year's Resolution 2015

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Happy New Year dreamers! I hope that you are having a wonderful night/day (depends on where you are HAHA). And I am not sure if there are countries or religions that do not spend this, so if you are one of them, still hope you're having a great night/day and Happy 2016 to us! Yay!


I decide to share with you something rather personal. Which is (if you still cannot tell by the title haha) my New Year's Resolution for the year 2015. I suppose some of you might think that resolutions are not at all personal, but I consider it one because they are things that you want to do because of something wrong that you did in the past. Or if not wrong then maybe something that is not good at all. BUT, since this is a "personal blog" as I call it, then it wouldn't be bad to share them with you. Besides, you're my dreamers. I trust in all of you.

Okay so now, I would stop typing all these nonsense and present to you my New Year's Resolution!

1.) Be organized! From studies to reading and blogging of course. Probably do a time management technique of some sorts (which I am very bad at).

2.) Make a goal list / bucket list of things that I would really want to accomplish this 2016 either for myself only or with my friends. And maybe a wishlist too, of things that I want to obtain this year.

3.) Own a gratitude journal / diary where I can jot down everyday experiences. And also a mason jar where I can keep my memorable experiences and read it at the end of the year!

4.) Sleep and wake up at the same time EVERYDAY! Probably sleep by 10:00-10:30pm and be awake at 5:00am? Not so sure about that but we'll get there. HAHA.

5.) Save up for Christmas before it actually comes. Or just save up a lot in general. :D

6.) Learn something new / Explore a new skill or hobby. I was thinking about watercolor painting. And writing stories (a very huge dream of mine).

7.) Break a bad habit. I have tons of these. But an example is not washing my face at night when I am too tired. Whoops.

8.) Be a YOUTUBER. That is, after this blog gets a bit successful. Like I said, I'm never good at managing time so I have to be ready when the youtube thing comes. I always dreamt of being a YOUTUBER sooo. YEAAAH! ROCK ON!

9.) Drink the required amount of water which is 2-3 liters. (Add this to my bad habits HAHA)

10.) Meet new people. Step out of my comfort zone. (I'm an introvert that's why)

11.) Be more open-minded and serious about relationships. Just to clear things: I AM NOT A PLAYER. Some of you might think that because I used the term "serious" sooo. HAHA. I just think that relationships are not a priority. But everyone can try right?

12.) Lastly, make up with my old friends that I had a falling out with. I do have some friends whom I haven't had a communication with for the past few months after we graduated high school. I do know the reason and I do understand so I gave them some time. But I hope this year, we can work things out.

Well yeah, that is it. I hope that you got some ideas from my resolutions that you can add to your list. I also hope that you don't find this very impossible because nothing is. We all need to try changing for the better. :) Happy New Year everyone! All the love.


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